Emptiness of Density


Emptiness of Density was a two person group project. Kate Romanova and I were assigned a client and the project was to provide a church group with a design for mixed use development that would allowed them to have the flexibility of the extra space while still providing a source of income for further development. Due to the lack of upfront funding, Kate and Decided to spread and design the space to be developed in four phases. The design itself came from a lot of theoretical research about public spaces and thinking about what makes a space. Some of the readings we explored were “The Unsung Role of Metonymy in Constructing Sites of Exception: Ekphrasis, Divination, Epiphany” and case studies like “Anarchy City, China”; “The tower of David, Venezuela” and “Sou Fujimoto’s research about in between spaces” 


Phase 1 keeps the revenue coming from the football games by providing designated parking to the guest and three mixed use rent-able units. This units ca be rented to different vendors during on and off football season. This strategy allows for a constant flow of revenue that provides the funding for the development of the structure.  

Phase 2 + 3 are the same but step 3 is a second story addition to the following programs. An academic geared hostel, a restaurant / bar and a second layer of the rent-able office space found on phase 1. 

Phase 4 has a direct connection to both downtown and to campus. This allows the building to feel open and a direct access to the open plaza above while still accessing your amenities like restaurant, hostels, and office space.